If you are a lover of books, a admirer of novels, a writer of short storys, or any combination of the three, you are welcome to the world of  BOOK-O-MANIA! IF you are no great lover of the written word, than you are also welcome to enjoy this site. Anyone and Everyone is welcome! Here in Book-o-Mania, knowledge, wisdom, and books in general are considered treasure. Feel free to browse the site! Have a book you love? recommend it to others on the recommendations page, or in Book-Blog, where you can chat about books, novels, or just have fun with friends. Think you have a book that should be reviewed? post the title and the author in the review blog, and maybe YOUR favorite book will be reviewed next. Look at the review page and recommendations pages to find out what books may be good for YOU! And if you are an amateur writer yourself, visit the young writers blog page and share your book, poetry, or story. Whatever the case, the #1 rule in Book-o-Mania is this: Have FUN!!! ( to see the rest of Book-o-Mania's rules, look below! ) To post a comment in the blogs, just click on the title of the post and scroll to the bottom of the page


1. Have Fun!
2. If you do not like someone's opinion or idea, express your feelings in a respectful way.
3. EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion.
4. Have a positive attitude
5. stand up for yourself
6. There is no such thing as a bad idea
7. send feedback (optional. you do not have to if you do not want to)
8.  No flooding, or spamming the blogs
9.  No swearing ( if you can't restrain yourself, kindly use asterisks. e.g.: ****)
10. If you have any disagreement with these rules, please exit the website.
 Want to send feedback, book reviews, ideas, or suggestions? Contact us at [email protected] ( if you sent our former email address an email please resend it to our new email address listed previously. Our old email has been having problems, and we will use our new email from now on.)